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From Your Biggest Fans


It has been almost 5 years since this club was founded and you have been here for every second. As a fan, I cannot thank you enough for building a place along with the other club veterans that I can proudly support. This club and team is special, and you play a big role in that. You are so appreciated by this community and I hope you know we’ll always support you through thick and thin. Thank you for being an inspiration for so many young girls, including myself. I’ve met you a couple of times after the games and your smile has never faltered. You are important, valuable and vital to this team, please always remember that. You all will come out of this stronger. I can’t even fathom what you guys are going through right now, but we will continue to support and send you all the love we can muster. Thank you for being part of this club and proudly representing my city. This place would not be the same without you. -- A.


As one of our veterans you’ve been an important part of the heart and soul of this team for years. You always seem to bring so much passion and love for the game onto the pitch, and I love how proud you are of wearing purple. Reading about your coaching experience for Lake Highland Prep showed me that you stand for exactly what this whole team exudes, which is love and passion not just for the club but also for the Orlando community as a whole. What I admire most about you is that you always keep your head high and whenever you stumble you get right back up again – which is why I know you’ll help us come back stronger than ever before next season! - Dani


My fellow Jersey girl, I immediately felt drawn to you when I first became a Pride fan simply because we share our home state. I’ve actually ran into you twice down in Orlando while my team was there for a soccer tournament at the ESPN complex. The first year, we were walking to our field when my coach quite literally ran into you and I just sat there shell-shocked until we were a few feet away and turned to my friend, saying “wasn’t that Kristen Edmonds?” The second year, you were right behind me in the buffet line for dinner at the hotel and I was literally wearing an Orlando Pride quarter-zip I had gotten earlier that day at The Den. I was completely shell-shocked again. The next time we see each other, hopefully I won’t be completely frozen in place- third time’s the charm! Anyway, being here since the beginning, you’re the foundation of this team and bring so much to the plate. I know you’ll thrive in 2021 and I can’t wait to see you back on the pitch! - Jill


You have been with the Pride since day 1 and we can all tell how much love you have for this club. I hope you know how much you are loved by the fans. Your leadership as one of the veteran players on the team doesn’t go unnoticed. You always go out of your way to be kind to others and that’s one of the things I love about you. I can’t wait for you to back in purple and with the club that you love. See you soon! -- Myra


It’s so amazing to see how much you love you hold for this club, especially after being here for all five years. As a veteran of the team, thank you for building the culture that is so apparent in everything that this team does. Also, thank you for the leadership that you show both on and off the field. We all appreciate how much work you put in everyday, and especially what we don’t see behind the scenes. I can’t wait to hopefully see you back in an Orlando jersey in 2021, and until then, stay strong! Wishing you so much luck and happiness during this hard time. --Ana Lise


I hope you know that you’re loved and amazing and I wanna tell you that you have done an amazing job with the pride. I just know you still have a giant future ahead of you, I believe in you. You are so talented and an incredible person. I am proud of you. I love you. –Maria Clara


As one of the veterans on the Pride, we fans have SO much respect for you! Being so versatile, you bring so much to the team and I’m excited to see how next season will go for you. Thank you for always giving your all to the team and for bringing so much to the plate on game days. Your leadership certainly doesn’t go unnoticed and you are definitely a crucial part to this team. I still remember the day I met you while at the Chicago vs. Orlando game in May of 2018 and I was still in shock. I hope to be able to meet you again soon-please stay safe! Sending you all so much love! - Katie




Jun 27, 2020

Our City Our Pride, since 2016. We started this together and we will stay in this together. You are our team. These supporters love this team from all around the world. It is so incredible to witness. We hope everyone on the team is safe and healthy. We look forward to the day when we can all be in the stadium again. The Crown


Bruna Bastos Kirst
Bruna Bastos Kirst
Jun 26, 2020

You've been there since the beginning and I have so much respect for your persistence and passion! You're extremely kind and I can't wait to see you back in purple! Much love!



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