You’ve been one of my favorite players since I was 13, and looking up to you for all these years has been empowering especially as a woman of color myself. I rarely get to see parts of my identity reflected on the highest levels of women’s soccer, but you have been that role model I needed as a kid. I’m 18 now, but the admiration and respect I’ve had for you since I was a kid does not stop now that I’m an adult. I could be here all day trying to explain to you how incredibly important you are to this world. I know your time with Orlando has seen more difficult moments than good, but I hope you know how important you are to this club and community. These past two years have been disappointing for the team, but our love for it has never waivered (okay 2019 tested us a lil bit more than we would’ve liked and I don’t even want to mention 2020). Just know that we are all still here for you and that we see the hard work you put in day in and day out for this club and city. Thank you so much for making me feel seen and for being a vital part of the reason why I can call this club a home. -- A.
Since the first time I watched you take the pitch you have been one of my favourite players. That translated off the field, come to find out you’re one of the funniest people and always put a smile on my face... especially with your “good morning” instagram stories. Orlando is so lucky to have you. We got a peak at the work you guys were putting in at training and I was so ready for your comeback season, unfortunately that has obviously been postponed, but know we are supporting you through this all and admire the dedication the team put in to improve. Sending so much love your way. Can’t wait to see you back on the field from one Canadian to another :) - Meredith
Your story is so powerful and inspiring. Fighting to come back not once, but twice after having your children is truly remarkable and just goes to show women are badasses and can do absolutely anything if we put our minds to it. Training while pregnant with Roux and making your comeback only three months after giving birth shows the strength and fight you have in you. I was lucky enough to see your comeback after Roux in person in New Jersey and tried so hard to not get emotional in the stands. It was such a special moment that I’ll never forget, and I’m sure you won’t forget it either. The Pride is so lucky to have you a part of this team. Not only are you a role model to fans, but you’re also a role model and mentor to younger professional players, which speaks volumes to your impact on the game. I can’t wait to see you take the field next year and do even more amazing things. - Jill
You’ve been one of my favorite players to watch for a long time. I can’t put into words how much I admire how hard you fought to come back not once, but twice after having your wonderful kids. The first time you stepped on the pitch again after having Roux, I got so emotional because everyone could see how hard you had fought to get ready and to come back in the time and fashion that you did. Besides being a total badass, you are also one of the most genuinely funny people on this team and I feel like you bring so much joy and happiness to everything you do. This was supposed to be your season and while I’m sorry it didn’t happen the way we all were wanting it to, I just KNOW that 2021 is gonna be the year you blow us all away. You are an integral part of this team and community, the love you show for this club and your teammates is wonderful to witness and I can’t wait to see you back on the pitch. - Dani
Your presence on and off the field is so important and valuable. You are not afraid to speak your mind and tell it like it is and that is one of my favourite things about you. I was so excited for your comeback this tournament but unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned. However, I look forward to seeing you back on the field next season in purple. -- Myra
Syd, words can not express how inspirational you are, not just as a player but as a person. You have accomplished so much in your life and professional career in such a young age and I know you would have accomplished even more if the right chances were given (*cough cough jill*). Watching you play is a joy and I was so excited to have you back for this season and I was so looking forward to it. I know this is not how you guys wanted the season to go but I know that all the hard work you have put into it will be repaid. You are literally one of my favorite players to watch and one of my favorite people to follow. Your energy, your silliness, your love for this game but also for your teammates are so inspiring. Thank you for always bringing your best and for adding so much to this team. Pride would not be the same without you. You are incredible, everything you represent and stand for. Love - Georgia
You are seriously an exceptional human being. Not only are you insanely skilled, you also have so much mental strength, and it really shows, both on and off the field. I was at the game in New Jersey when you subbed in for the first time since having Roux, and you probably noticed how the entire stadium, including the Sky Blue fans, started screaming the second you took a step towards the fourth official. That really shows how much everyone in the women’s soccer community cares about you, and always wants the best for you. This applies to this situation as well. I’m so sorry that you lost your season like this, I can’t wait to see you come back better than you’ve ever been, because of that same mental strength. Sending you, Cassius, and Roux all of the love!! --Ana Lise
You are such an inspiration, both on and off the field. The way you bounced back after having your kids is amazing. From continuing to train as far along as you could, to jumping back in as soon as you were able to and then playing in the last two games of the season showed just how dedicated and driven you are. It’s admirable how much effort you put in. You are one of my favorite players, not only because of this, but also because of how entertaining it is to watch you play. You also bring so much joy, especially with how funny you are (not even gonna lie, you scratching out Dom and Cassius for your International Women’s Day posts is always super funny). You are an incredible person, and I’m glad I can look up to someone as great as you. I know you will help lead this team forward, and I cannot wait to see you playing again. – Juliana
Our City Our Pride, since 2016. We started this together and we will stay in this together. You are our team. These supporters love this team from all around the world. It is so incredible to witness. We hope everyone on the team is safe and healthy. We look forward to the day when we can all be in the stadium again. The Crown
Syd, you are such a badass mother and a great player on the field. You are truly an inspiration on and off the field! Sorry to hear that your season got cut short. Everyone knows you guys will come back stronger than ever. Stay safe and keep your head up!
Syd, you’re one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met. Your fierce dedication to your family and your passion for the game are unmatched. You truly show that you can have the dream, the whole package, if you’re willing to put the work in. Keep slaying!
MOM GOALS! Such an inspiration to see you balancing your professional and personal lives. Your kids have the best aunties in purple!