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From Your Biggest Fans


Being a strong, tenacious, natural-born leader like yourself, you’ve overcome adversity countless times throughout your career and I know this time will be no different. Though this was far from the ideal 2020 season we imagined, I know you’ll pick your head up, roll up your sleeves, and deal with the cards you’ve been dealt despite how unfortunate and frustrating it might be. You’ve worked incredibly hard these past few years and especially during this off-season/pre-season, your dedication and determination did not go unnoticed, and I trust that you’ll work even harder to make good on your “worst to first” promise. We’re so incredibly lucky to have a role model as strong-willed as you to look up to. Fans in Frankfurt still talk about the contributions you’ve made to their club which goes to show the significant impact you have both as a player and a person. Similar to Frankfurt, you’ve definitely left your mark here in Orlando and in many, many years after retirement (though I pray you’re some kind of bionic woman and keep playing forever), we will still definitely be talking about your legacy and influence on this team. You’re a driving force behind this club. - Jill


I know you get this everyday but no amount of words could possibly sum up how much i love and admire you. The Pride would be such a different team without you in it and I think that just goes to show how important you are to this team. I am so proud to rep your name and #11 on the back of my jersey and I can't wait to see you back in purple next season. With your leadership, we will go from “worst to first” like you said. -- Myra


Ever since first watching you play for Frankfurt you’ve been an inspiration to me on and off the field. Your resiliency and your strength are two of the qualities I admire most about you. Years after you became a blood clot survivor my mom went through the same thing. It was one of the scariest periods of my life, thinking I might lose her, and knowing you went through it as well and made it out okay gave me something to hold onto. The way you put your all into everything you do, both on and off the field, has pushed me to do the same. As someone who didn’t come out until a bit later in life, I admire and love you so much for living your truth as a member of the LGBT community. You are an integral part of the Pride leadership, and this team wouldn’t be the same without you. Supporting you all the way over here in Austria by wearing your jersey fills me with pride. I just know that next season we’re going to see ‘worst to first’ come true. Alles Liebe, ich glaub an euch und kann’s nicht erwarten, euch wieder anzufeuern. - Dani


I want to start off by saying thank you for all the work you have put in the past few months, us fans adore your dedication to this team. You have been my favourite player for countless years and several reasons; one of them being your resiliency, and because of that, I know that next season you will help the team come back stronger. Your significance to the Pride is unmatched and the hard work you consistently put in does not go unnoticed. You’ve had an impact on not only the players around you, but the fans too; your vulnerability has helped so many people through their own hardships, including me, and I'm beyond lucky to have someone to look up to that is as genuine and inspiring as you. The circumstances are unfortunate but continue to dig deep.. Orlando Pride 2021 NWSL Champions has a nice ring to it. We all love you so much, keep smiling! - Meredith


Ali, you were the first player I was inspired by. I remember watching you play against Brazil (my home country) in the 2011 WC and being fascinated by you but also a little upset about the fact you eliminated us from the WC (I forgive you for that). Following you after that and your journey through the years and seeing how far you have come and all the hardships you have faced it is heartening. Watching you grow into your non-apologetic authentic self and living your truth it is inspiring but also watching you fight for what you believe in, especially uncomfortable topics that some people may not want to have or may just push it aside it is by far one of the things that makes me so proud to say I am inspired by you. I am upset that we will not be able to see you guys in this tournament, but I know it is something that will make you guys even stronger. Thank you for always being you, for always bringing your best to the game and outside of it, for fighting hard and never giving up. You are truly a warrior. - Georgia


In 2017, not only did the club gain one of the best outside backs in the world, they also gained a leader, a role model to follow, and quite literally the kindest person in this world. You already know you have had a great impact on countless lives around the globe. But you are also an inspiration to your own teammates. You are a key part of what makes this team, club, organization and community so special. I couldn’t think of a better person to wear that badge every time you step on the field. We are so proud to have you rep our city. You have shown time and time again that you’re strong, resilient, compassionate and a warrior. Which is why I have no doubt you’ll get through this. It breaks my heart to hear the team is suffering like this, but I know for a fact you will help them get on the right path again. The internet might seem like people are against you, but remember that you always have us. Our support and love for this club will never waiver. Sending you all the love and support imaginable. Thank you for being you, never stop because the world needs you. -- A.


The joy and happiness I feel when watching you play is something, I don’t think I will ever be able to replicate. Every stress and worry I have in my life are simply forgotten just by watching you play the game that you love. That feeling is what I look forward to and it keeps me going during hard weeks knowing I have however many days until I can watch you play again with the Pride or the USWNT. Obviously, these last few months of the unknown have not been ideal. However, everything you do off the field is just as important to me and so many others. You have changed my life in so many ways and I truly don’t think you realize just how much you mean to so many people. How dark my life has been, how all the color and beauty in the world seemed to have bled dry making it seem cold and harsh. For so many years I felt that, and you helped me set myself free and find myself. I could never thank you enough. My hope is that I am able to watch you play in person one day and tell you that. Everything you do matters whether it is off the field or on. I love you so much and I can’t wait to see you back in purple again. -Liv


I’m going to be so gutted, along with everyone else, to not be able to see you play in the NWSL this year. You’re probably my favorite player of all time in women’s soccer. You have shown so much perseverance before, in multiple other circumstances, and I know that you will use that same perseverance in this situation to come out better than ever. I’m so sorry that you missed this season, and your first season being official co captain. You’re one of the most integral parts of this team, and I know you’re going to be back better than ever next year. On a personal level, and I really don’t know how I’m supposed to write this part, thank you for everything that you have done for me and so many countless others without knowing who we even are. One of my biggest hopes is to meet you one day and tell you this in person, but for now: Thank you for living your truth. Thank you for being you. I’m so proud to support you and call you a role model of mine, and I can’t wait to see you kill it in 2021. Worst to first, right? But until then, I’ll be over here wearing my purple Krieger jersey. Sending the best vibes. --Ana Lise




Jun 27, 2020

Ali, you are my favorite player of all time! I am so bummed I will not get to watch you play in this tournament. I am sending good vibes to you and all the Pride team. I hope you are all safe and well! Even though I won’t get to see you play today you best believe I am still wearing my purple AK11 shirt today!! I just wanted to leave you a message letting you know that over the years you have and continue to inspire me in so many ways. Your perseverance and resilience are unmatched. I love that you never ever give up. You are such a bright light to so many people. We love you and…


Jun 27, 2020


I'm writing this, not because I am claiming to be your biggest fan, and not as someone who agrees with all, if any, of your political view points.

You stated in your Instagram post that a lot of us are all in the same boat, and, yes, we are....which is mainly why I am writing this. As a human being, I want to show my support for you, your honesty, and openness with having tested positive for COVID-19. You are not alone in your feelings and your experience that you are going through. Many of us, myself included, continue to make sacrifices to protect our family and slow the spread of COVID-19 starting in February/March. I wish I could…


Jun 27, 2020

Living in Sweden makes it tough on your sleeping pattern be an fan, but like a warrior princess once said: "We can sleep when we're dead!". I've spent nights watching games in bed, trying hard not to scream out too loud if your team scored a goal or the the ref made a bad decision for your team. First with Washington Spirit and the last years with the Orlando Pride. And of course the US national team. Worth every sleeplessnight! You have something that draws people in. Yes, you are a beautiful women but that is not it. It could be that reading about you, finding out your story makes soo many of us feel such a strong connection to…


Jun 27, 2020

Ali you are superb player a magnificent smile you the joy of living I support you you are fascinating I hope to see again plays in 2021 Orlando pride


amber schuman
amber schuman
Jun 27, 2020

Ali, my fellow German last namer, my fellow penn stater, you are the greatest role model I could ask for. I cannot imagine what you and your teammates are goin through, but I can relate somewhat. I help manage the penn state (main campus) softball team and our season was cut short. It was the worst feeling sitting in an hotel conference room during spring break being told we are leave the next morning. Anyway, we, the fans, are here to love and support you and your teammates, even from a far.



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