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From Your Biggest Fans


I was so excited when you signed with Orlando because you are the first Asian player we’ve ever had. As an Asian, it’s so refreshing to have someone that looks like me play for the club I love so dearly. Although you’re new to the team, your personality and energy fits so well with the team that it feels like you have been a part of this club since forever. You’re such an incredible player with amazing accomplishments that speak for themselves and I can't wait to see you play in purple. -- Myra


From the moment it was announced that you were joining our team, I’ve been PUMPED. Seeing you in action on the field in the WWC last year, especially in your role as team captain, was a privilege and I was so excited to witness you shore up our defense this year. What could go wrong with both Ali K AND Ali R on our backline? And even though it sadly won’t happen this year, I’m sure that it’ll be even more amazing in 2021. The way you’ve embraced this team, its culture and spirit from the moment you joined has made you a fan favorite before even playing a game for us. I love how you fit right into this team and I know that you’ll be an integral part of leading us to victory next season. The happiness and joy you exude on your social media posts (THOSE TIK TOKS) is contagious and manages to brighten my mood even on awful days. While I’m sad we won’t get to see you in purple this year, I’ll just have to bide my time til next season by trying out those recipes in the cookbook you and Toni are planning. – Dani


Ever since I got into watching this sport, you have been one of my favorite athletes to follow and see play. You bring so much leadership and excitement not only on the field, but off the field as well. I am thrilled that you are now able to bring those same qualities to the Pride and can’t wait to see you play for this team! You already have so much love for this team and that makes me so happy! I love your tik toks especially the Vanderpump Rules one, please keep making them! Also congrats on New Zealand and Australia getting to host the WWC! – Danielle


You have shown us nothing but happiness and excitement ever since we found out you signed with Orlando. You are one of the most kind and genuine people. You have fit right into the team without even playing a game yet. As fans, we are so heartbroken to not be able to see you take the field wearing that badge, but know that whenever that moment comes, we will be cheering as loud as ever because we are beyond lucky to have you on our team. We are so proud of all of you who put tremendous effort into playing this season, it might have not turned out the way we hoped, but if any team can get through these hardships, it’s Orlando. We are here for you guys always. Need love and support? We’re right here. Never doubt that. You have an entire city behind you. -- A.


Last summer, during the 2019 World Cup I tried to watch as many games with as many different teams as possible. I ended up watching a few New Zealand games, and you really stood out to me, especially through your captaincy. When we, the fans, found out you were coming to Orlando everyone was ecstatic. Although we haven’t had the privilege of seeing you play for us yet, your positivity says a lot about you. I’m very excited to see you work that (most likely left) flank, whenever the time comes. + Those instagram stories with Shelina have been very entertaining. Just know we’re all supporting you through this unfortunate time. - Meredith


Excitement, that it is one word I can say once I heard you were FINALLY coming to Pride. I have watched some of your games through the years and heard so many praises about how amazing a player you were and that you were a missing piece that this team needed it. Seeing your excitement and contentment about joining the team was so refreshing and it was something that this team really needed it. We have not even seen you play but the difference you have made it is noticeable. I know this is not how you guys wanted this season to go but I also know that you guys will fight harder than ever to come back (whenever that is) and show up and I cannot wait for that moment to finally see you rocking the Pride jersey. Thank you Ali for being so incredible and inspiring. - Georgia


I got SO excited when I first heard that you were coming to the Pride. I had seen you in a couple of New Zealand games, and I couldn’t wait to see the new energy that you'd bring to the team. Since then, I feel like I’ve gotten to know you more as a person through your social medias, and you seem like the sweetest, funniest, most relatable person from your LGBTQ ally nails to your tiktoks (which are all absolutely amazing by the way, please keep making them.) When football comes back, I can’t wait to see the spark you’ll bring to the Pride, on the field and off of it. --Ana Lise



1 Comment

Jun 27, 2020

Our City Our Pride, since 2016. We started this together and we will stay in this together. You are our team. These supporters love this team from all around the world. It is so incredible to witness. We hope everyone on the team is safe and healthy. We look forward to the day when we can all be in the stadium again. The Crown



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