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From Your Biggest Fans


As a senior this past year, I was so heartbroken to see my club season end before it even started. So I can’t even imagine how you must be feeling right now. All my friends and family have told me to think positively and etc. but honestly, this sucks. Things that are out of our control are so frustrating and to have something you love taken away from is heartbreaking. You are allowed to feel all those feelings. It’s okay to be sad, angry, disappointed. But the day WILL come when all of this is past us. This team has gone through so many hardships these past few years, both on and off the field, which is why I know that if any team can come out of this stronger, it’s this team. We are beyond proud to support and love this club for what it is. Everyone in the club is such a special person. Each individual on the team contributes to this community and city, and I cannot wait to see how you’ll fit right into it. We believe in you guys, we will always be here to support. Sending you all the love. -- A.


Chels the amount of joy you bring everyday to this team and to practice it is amazing. I was so excited to finally be able to see you play for the Pride, watching some of the training videos highlights and seeing how much you stand out and wanted to be there. It is refreshing. Thank you for your dedication and hopefully we will be able to see you wearing the purple jersey.

- Georgia


When you got picked to play for the Pride, I was truly so excited. You are probably the rookie that I was most excited about seeing. I could tell from the videos of the first couple practices how excited you were to be your teammates and other rookies and it was nice to see you all having fun and getting along great. I know for your first professional season this wasn’t ideal, but just know that you will get your chance soon to prove yourself in front of everyone. I was so excited to get to see you play but I know I will soon in the future. Your dedication is seen by us and I know you will do great things! -Liv


So pumped to have you on this team, truly cannot wait to watch you killing it out there, hope you feel the love we're sending y'all, you guys deserve it no more than ever... Don't ever forget that you got where you are and got to this team for a reason and we're very proud to have you in this group of badass women representing us! Happy for you, hope you can show all your strength once you get in the field! -Akemi (Dolly)


Chelsee, it was great to see your enthusiasm in regards to playing for the Pride after the draft. Congratulations on being the first player drafted into the NWSL graduating from BGSU that in itself is a great accomplishment and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. I know it's tough having your first “season” taken from you, but remember the fans are here to support you all. When the time comes I know you will take this opportunity and run with it, using your offensive power to make us all proud! Sending love. - Meredith


After seeing your video in regard to being drafted to our amazing Orlando Pride family, I was incredibly excited to see you play and work your magic. Your goal against Dayton was a beauty, and I was so looking forward to seeing you play for our amazing team. Of course, this situation is not ideal and I can only imagine how you are feeling. But please know how much we are going to cheer for you next season Chelsee. You are part of this family now! Sending you much love and always hoping you are healthy and safe. - L.


Chelsee- I’m so excited you’re a part of this amazing team. I was so happy to watch you be drafted and join the squad with enthusiasm and your great work ethic. You’re such a skilled player and a great person off the field as well. You’re already a role model for so many young girls and boys and I’m sure you will continue to honor that title as you play in the NWSL. Stay healthy & safe! Go Pride! -- Grace


Thank you so much for your dedication to this team! Even though you haven’t had your opportunity to play in a full match yet, your passion is obvious in training and off of the field. The dedication and strength even required to be the first ever player drafted from Bowling Green is notable all on its own. I’m so sorry that your first professional season had to go this way, but it can only go up from here, right? Wishing you so much luck throughout next season and beyond. --Ana Lise




Jun 27, 2020

Our City Our Pride, since 2016. We started this together and we will stay in this together. You are our team. These supporters love this team from all around the world. It is so incredible to witness. We hope everyone on the team is safe and healthy. We look forward to the day when we can all be in the stadium again. The Crown


Rachael Decker
Rachael Decker
Jun 27, 2020

I can’t imagine how tough this is to experience for you and your team. But it is tough times like this that make true champions. Weathering the storm to come out on the other side makes a true champion. I cannot wait to watch you play when the time comes and I know that you’ve got the drive to persist and succeed during this tough time! Keep your head up and keep fighting! And know that all bgsu alum and The MAC are behind you and rooting for you! You’ve got this, and we believe in you!!!




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