Cheyenne I was so excited when the Pride drafted you and even more excited when they signed you for the tournament. I hope that you can still represent this club (whenever that may be) and I know how much you would add to this team. I cannot wait to finally be able to see you on the field and to play the football I know you can. This hardship will pass, and you will all come out stronger. - Georgia
No one knows how the team is going through this but you guys. I can’t imagine how you guys are feeling, especially as rookies not being able to have your professional debut the way you planned. But I know this team can get through this. We believe in this club and city, our support will never waiver for this team. I really hope we get to see you play soon in purple and I hope you feel how special this club is to all of us. Stay safe, sending you love and support!! -- A.
Hey Cheyenne, I wish you're having a good time in Orlando, I hope you know that the fans are here for you and that we are very supportive of all you guys! I know that the struggle is real right now and that it might seem hard to keep up with everything going on, but just know we are behind you and we hear you. Everything comes down to the people you’re surrounded by and I can assure you that in Orlando you will always have us to have your back... Looking forward to watching you play! -Akemi (Dolly)
It was exciting to see the Pride acquired another defender in the draft to build depth in the backline. I was happy to find out you were signed pre-tournament.. the circumstances now are unfortunate, but I know you will rock it in purple! Your college coaches had so many great things to say about you and your hard work. I hope you’re having a smooth transition into the NWSL because you will do amazing things in the future. Keep your head up and know the fans are here to support you all through this time. This club is so special and the fans are confident that you will come back stronger! - Meredith
Despite what’s going on at the moment, I hope you are already in love with Orlando! The city and this team are magic, and we truly are all one big family. And you are part of this family now. On behalf of the whole fans, we are looking so much forward see you defend and giving your absolute best out there. We already know you are an incredible defender. You are playing for Pride, so there is no way around. Cheyenne, we are all going to cheer for you next season. Much love and I sincerely hope you are safe and sound. - L
Cheyenne, I just wanted to let you know on behalf of all us fans that we’re here for you and are more than happy to support you through this less than ideal time. I know this isn’t how you pictured your first NWSL season but it can only go up from here and we can’t wait to watch you soar in purple! You had such an impressive collegiate career at Denver and the fans are so pumped to see you bring the same skill & energy to our backline! Hope you’re staying healthy & safe in these difficult times. Go Pride! --Grace
Cheyenne, I was so excited to see you in Orlando! Even though this season didn’t exactly work out, I know that when soccer returns for good, we’ll be able to see you playing amazingly for Orlando. Judging by what your college coaches say about you, I know you'll be a great addition to the Pride when the time comes. I hope you know that the fans are 100% behind you and the team through everything. Stay as safe as you can! --Ana Lise
Our City Our Pride, since 2016. We started this together and we will stay in this together. You are our team. These supporters love this team from all around the world. It is so incredible to witness. We hope everyone on the team is safe and healthy. We look forward to the day when we can all be in the stadium again. The Crown