Although we didn’t get to see you much on the field last season, the minutes you did get to play proved to me that you deserve to be on this team (especially for going through your debut game against the Dash, ahaha that was a wild game). I really hope you get to represent this club more in the future and that you stay healthy and ready to take the field any minute. You were one of the players I was looking forward to play, unfortunately 2020 just sucks. I’m sorry this happened to the team but just know we are here, we believe in you guys and we support you always. We already went through the 2019 season, ain’t nothing breaking our support for you guys!!! Sending you all the love possible during these tough times. -- A.
In 2019 it was refreshing to see you back on the field after a long two years of recovery and also exciting to acquire a veteran defender mid-season. Your comeback against Houston was a testament to your mental and physical strength. The fans are all behind you and sending support your way during this tough time. I’m sure you would have crushed it this season, but bring it on Pride 2021!! - Meredith
Julie, I have been a fan of yours since I was a young player. I’m a fellow St. Louisan and I remember my team getting to meet you when I was a younger player since you came to visit your coaches at SLSG. I’m so excited to see you play for the Pride next year! I know this season isn’t how you pictured it to be, but I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. You’ve clearly shown your ability to persevere through challenges in the past, especially after last year, and I know this is just another bump in the road. You guys are going to have a killer 2021 season and I can’t wait! -Mia
Julie, you have no idea how inspiring you are for so many people, dealing with so many injuries and issues you always got up and came back to this game you love so much, I'm beyond proud of you for that, and I know that you are capable of breaking every barrier and overcoming any obstacle there might be in the way. Thank you and stay safe, we care about you! -Akemi (Dolly)
Hey Julie! I was really looking forward to seeing more of you this season and seeing you get a chance to avenge that red card from last year. You represent the toughness that we need on the field but right now we need toughness off the field. I know it’s a tough time for you players because it’s got to be tenfold what we fans feel. Know that we are here thinking of you and waiting to see take the field in Purple once more! Until then stay strong and stay safe! - Geri
You're the epitome of power and resilience so I know you'll pull through this and come out winning on the other side (you're just strong-willed like that!). You're truly incredible and seeing you in Purple just brings the PRIDE out and the way you have such grace and class towards other players shows how much you love this game, its truly unmatched. You have a community that absolutely adores you and this team so much, and we'll always support you! I'm sorry you're missing the tournament, but stay strong because the next time we get to watch you play will be absolutely magical. Until then, I hope you stay mentally and physically healthy in whatever way you can. I cant wait until I get to see you back in action- healthy, strong and ready. Sending all my love and support, -Tea
You have shown so much spirit and determination before, with this team and even outside of it. The most notable instance of this was your comeback against Houston last year. Although that might not have been the most ideal game to start on, you played extremely well and I was looking forward to seeing more of you this season. Although that will unfortunately not happen, I’ll keep that excitement stored for when the NWSL comes back next year. So sorry that your comeback year turned out this year, but I know you’ll use your determination to come back better than ever in 2021, whatever it may bring. Good luck in the future! --Ana Lise
Our City Our Pride, since 2016. We started this together and we will stay in this together. You are our team. These supporters love this team from all around the world. It is so incredible to witness. We hope everyone on the team is safe and healthy. We look forward to the day when we can all be in the stadium again.
The Crown