One of the many things I admire about you is how you play with so much heart and passion. It’s amazing to see that eagerness from such a young player and it’s quite clear how deeply you love the game. You’re a vital asset to our midfield and an incredibly talented player, which makes me very glad you play for our team and not against us. One of my top three favorite goals in club history was scored by you on July 20th, 2019 vs. Sky Blue. It was an absolute banger of a goal, but it’s one of my favorites because of your celebration afterwards. The sheer joy in your celebration and the happiness etched on your face very clearly conveys how much you love this sport and the fact that it was your first professional goal puts the cherry on top. The pure excitement and pride on your face in that moment was so heartwarming. You have a bright future ahead and I cannot wait to see what’s in store for you. Go crush it in 2021 and score more of those bangers! - Jill
I’ll never forget when you scored your first goal for us last season! I still get the biggest smile on my face when I think of that moment, so much happiness and love on the field. Can’t even begin to imagine how amazing that must have been for you. Definitely one of my favorite Orlando goals ever. Even though it sadly won’t happen this season, I can’t wait for you to score so many more for us in 2021. I love that you’re part of this Pride family! Keep your head up, we’re all behind you – you’re gonna rock 2021! - Dani
As you can tell, we all loved your insane strike against Sky Blue… so composed and lethal. I felt proud watching you score your first professional goal, and it made me extremely excited and ready to watch you grow as a player in seasons coming. I can’t wait to see what else you bring for Orlando. I know you would have crushed it this tournament, but just know the fans are supporting you. Keep working hard and diggin deep! - Meredith
You’re one of my all time favourite rookies and your strike against sky blue last year was everything. Your reaction when you scored truly showed how passionate you are about this club. I see so much potential in you and I hope you know how valuable you are to this team. You’re so nice and kind to everyone that you meet and that makes me so proud to support a person like you. I can’t wait to see more of you in purple because I know that there’s still so much in you that we haven’t witnessed yet. The future's so bright for you, sending all my love! -- Myra
As I’m sure many of these messages will mention, the best memory I have of you is that amazing goal against Sky Blue last season. For one thing, knowing that it was your first professional goal, and knowing how many more of those will be ahead, made it special. The other thing was just seeing the pure joy on your face when it happened. That moment also showed how special the team is as a whole, in the way that everyone gathered around you and shared in that joy. Trust me, us fans were really joyous as well! I’m so sorry that this season didn’t give you the opportunity to score more of those amazing goals, but I know that next season you’re going to absolutely kill it, and I can’t wait to witness that. Sending love. --Ana Lise
Marisa, Marisa, Marisa.. My favorite rookie from last season. :) The joy you have for the sport you love is so easy to see and your first goal last season.. It still brings me a huge smile. In that moment all I wanted is to join in the group hug and celebrate you. The way you handle the ball, the way you fool your opponents, your speed... Honestly you’re a diamond waiting to be polished. Now with more time in hand you will be able to polish your skills and show them next season. I can’t wait to see you play next season!! Bring that joy on the field again!! Sending love and strength - Betty
Marisa!!! Your rookie season was incredible. I'm so bummed to wait another year to see those amazing strikes back on the field. Your career has just begun so keep your head held high and keep grinding, I know you’re going amazing places in life and I can’t wait to see that happen especially with the Pride. I hope you’re safe and doing well. SKOPURP - MaryKate
Our City Our Pride, since 2016. We started this together and we will stay in this together. You are our team. These supporters love this team from all around the world. It is so incredible to witness. We hope everyone on the team is safe and healthy. We look forward to the day when we can all be in the stadium again. The Crown