Morgan, I first began to follow you shortly after you were drafted into the NWSL. More specifically, once I read the article you wrote for The Players’ Tribune. Your article really resonated with me for multiple reasons and I was excited to get to know you more both as a person and a player. When you joined The Pride, I was even more excited. You’ve stepped up to the plate perfectly when needed and we can always count on you. You’ve had an impressive run on youth national teams and an impressive collegiate career, so I know for a fact you’ve got big things coming up in your future. We can’t wait to watch you grow both on and off the field and see where your career takes you. You’re an important piece to our team and it wouldn’t be the same without you. I’m already counting down the days until we see you back out on the pitch, wearing the Orlando badge, in 2021! - Jill
I’ve been a fan of yours since your Duke days, so when I saw you were coming to my favorite team, the Pride, I was absolutely ecstatic. It was so amazing seeing you on the field last season and I truly believe you could be one of the best defenders in the NWSL. I was sad knowing you couldn’t be in the cup because of an injury, but still knew your high spirits would lift the team. Now, with all of this crazy stuff happening, I’m heartbroken that not only you, but the whole team can’t do what they love. I hope you know all of the fans have your back and will support you through this hard time. I know, eventually, when you guys get to play the sport you love again, it will be something so magical to watch. Love you so much and I can’t wait to see you shine next season. - Olivia
I was sad knowing you couldn’t participate in the tournament because of an injury and then the bad news came. I know you have the talent to become one of the greatest defenders in the NWSL and I believe in you. Take that loss and turn it into something beautiful I know you can do!! You once said, you’re an introvert and that some stuff is hard for you. I know that feeling and you’re not alone. I may not be able to say it or show you my support in person seeing as I’m from overseas, but know that someone out there is supporting you!! Chin up and I can’t wait to see your development next season. :) Sending love and strength - Betty
After reading your Players Tribune article, I was immediately inspired. Your play from the back is absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to see it again in 2021. Even though your injury may have prevented you from getting to Utah, you must be absolutely gutted that your team couldn’t make it either. But you have shown before how resilient you are and I know that you will do it again. Good luck with recovery, and so excited to see you back playing next season! You’re gonna kill it! --Ana Lise
I know this year (and last season) has been difficult to get through. But I thank you for always going out there anyways, putting on that purple kit, and fighting for this team and club. Your dedication to the game and this club doesn’t go unnoticed. I can’t imagine how the team is feeling right now, but I hope that you guys feel the love from your supporters through these messages. You guys are a vital part of this city and community. We will always have your back. I hope you’re taking care of yourself both physically and mentally. Stay safe, sending you lots of love!! And I cannot wait to see you back on the pitch!! -- A.
I'd like to thank you a lot for the work you put in being the best version of yourself for this team, I look up to you a lot and hope someday I get to watch you play in person, you're an inspiration! We all know how difficult it can be to get over times like these but I believe you are strong and you can make it, we are all excited for what's next for the team and can't wait to see you all back in purple! -Akemi (Dolly)
Morgan, I was so stoked to see you on the pitch again this year! It's such a privilege to have players of your calibre on the Pride's defensive line. Your ability to move the ball forward and to remain calm in some sticky situations was something that really stood out to me last year. Regardless of how often we were able to see you in action this season, please know that your contributions to the club do not go unnoticed. I hope you're able to come back even stronger after healing your injury and processing the setbacks 2020 came with. The fans are with you!
Our City Our Pride, since 2016. We started this together and we will stay in this together. You are our team. These supporters love this team from all around the world. It is so incredible to witness. We hope everyone on the team is safe and healthy. We look forward to the day when we can all be in the stadium again. The Crown