I can’t imagine how hard this past week has been for the team, but if I know one thing from supporting them since it was founded is that you can get through anything. This team has seen some incredible hardships, on and off the field. As fans, we have also experienced this to a different level of course, but that’s the beauty of this community. When one of our players hurt, we hurt. When our team hurts, we hurt. The veterans who have been here since the beginning have built this community to grow beyond just soccer. We believe in you guys and that you will come out of this stronger. I hope you get to experience the beauty of this club and city and see how special of a place this is. Make sure you’re finding ways to take care of your mental and physical health as well. We will always be here for this team through thick and thin. Sending you good vibes!! -- A.
Taylor, my heart breaks for you and the rest of the Pride team and staff. I was so looking forward to seeing the new talent, amazing veterans, and the hard work all of you have been putting into preparations for the tournament out on the pitch. I cannot imagine the disappointment that you are feeling right now. I am praying daily for the health and safety of the Pride, but also for comfort and strength to push forward. Even though we will have to wait a little longer to see you playing in purple, I know that you and the rest of the team will show us the heart and spirit of the Pride. Sending love and support - rach
I hope you realize how loved the pride players are, each one of us support each one of you and we're gonna keep having you guys back no matter what the situation might be, we are excited to watch you take this big responsibility of being a professional player and make it the experience of your life. Wish you well... -Anonymous
Hi Taylor, I hope you’re doing well under the circumstances. I know it’s been a rough few days for you, but I want you to know that I support you and you are loved. Hope to see you soon - Jesse
Same as you, I am very new to this Pride family. One thing I have learned from this family is love, endless love - I have learned this from the veterans on the team and the veterans in the fan base. I hope you are also learning the same thing I’ve been learning and I hope you will give your full heart to this amazing family. - Yixian
Sending you lots of support. This can't be the start to your career you imagined, but it does not mean it will be any less special when the time finally comes. Looking forward to seeing you play and wishing you the very best! -Sam
Hey Taylor, I hope you’re doing well! I know it must be hard having your rookie season taken from you, it seemed like you were really looking forward to playing which was exciting. This team is family and I know you guys will come back stronger than ever. Sending support during this time. - Meredith
I was so pumped to see you playing in purple this year! You were one of my favorite rookies, and I was so excited that you had gotten chosen so early in the draft. I’m so sorry that your first pro season started and ended like this. Next year, though, I know you’ll be back, and as amazing as you’ve ever been. I’ll be keeping the excitement for your pro debut! Wishing you so much luck in all of your future endeavors. --Ana Lise
Our City Our Pride, since 2016. We started this together and we will stay in this together. You are our team. These supporters love this team from all around the world. It is so incredible to witness. We hope everyone on the team is safe and healthy. We look forward to the day when we can all be in the stadium again. The Crown